DocumentationAPI Credits

Credit Usage

ScrAPI works on a credit basis where a certain number of credits are used based on the features that you make use of.

No credits are used for any failures that do not result in any HTML or Markdown.

No Browser1
Use Browser5
Residential Proxy10
Data Center Proxy5
Tor Proxy1
Captcha Solved30 (per captcha solved)

The number of credits used for any API call will be indicated by the creditsUsed parameter when using JSON responses (default) or in the X-ScrAPI-CreditsUsed header when using HTML or Markdown.

  "requestUrl": "",
  "responseUrl": "",
  "duration": "00:00:01.000000",
  "attempts": 1,
  "captchasSolved": {
    "reCaptchaV2": 1
  "creditsUsed": 35,
  "statusCode": 200,
  "content": "<html>...</html>"